September 29, 2008

Coconut Pecan Squares

Last week, we made coconut pecan squares. I have been busy and haven't been able to blog about them until now. Let me first back up and tell a before-we-made-the-coconut-pecan-squares-on-Tuesday story. Monday night, I pulled out the cookie cookbook to check and make sure we had all the ingredients we would need for the coconut pecan squares. I told Chloe what we were making the next night and her excited response was,"Oh! Can I help?" I just stared at her for a moment and then remembered she is a 9 year old girl with lots of other things on her mind like Barbies, Spongebob, and the latest Freddie video on YouTube. I reminded her that we are cooking our way through the Cookie Sampler. "Oh yeeahhhhhh...." was her reply. Coconut pecan squares are a bar cookies made in an 8x8 square pan. It makes 3 dozen so that gives you an idea how small we cut them. There's a reason for that. They are very rich! If you like coconut, pecans and brown sugar, you would LOVE these. My husband says they're a keeper. I'm adding them my catering dessert menu. Yes, they're that good. Tomorrow: Deluxe Oatmeal Cookies

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! That sounds great. I was having a bummer of a day and thought I would check your blog. It always makes me feel better!! It is so sweet. Reminds me of my Big Momma and how we loved to bake together. Hugs, Tracee:)